E-Texts, Maybe?

Recently  Tablets, Yes; E-Texts, Maybe caught my attention. Why are e-textbooks in the maybe category?

The article highlighted a study by a major textbook publisher.   By the title you can see the gist of the post:  tablets are on the rise but students are not sure about digital textbooks.  Students responding to the survey . . . Read More: E-Texts, Maybe?

Education Nation

It is extremely impressive when a major broadcast network commits time, talent, resources to education.  NBC News, a division of NBC Universal, has made such a commitment.    I am a professional educator with more than 30 years in the field.   In my experience, superintendents are the most prominent educators in a community.  Principals have . . . Read More: Education Nation

Association Professional Development in the Palm of Your Hand

Associations are embarking on hybrid learning journeys. Many tools are in the mix: webinars; 140 character communications, e.g., Twitter; social networking sites, e.g., Facebook; communities of practice; digital libraries; virtual experiences that wrap around f2f events and more.

One way that associations can grow interactive professional development is through the use of  hand-held devices and . . . Read More: Association Professional Development in the Palm of Your Hand


Remember the crystal ball? It was thought to give clairvoyance or clear vision especially into the future.  Today’s smartphone may well be a modern-day crystal ball.

Take a quick look at the icons and related apps on your iPhone or HTC.  Album, calculator, calendar, camcorder, camera, clock . . . Read More: SMARTPHONE: CRYSTAL BALL FOR ASSOCIATIONS