170 Million Learn

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I have thought about the many facets of public television and radio even more than usual with the Congressional drive to cut its funding. Such a curious priority when the actual funds are minimal in the deficit scheme and the impact is positively gigantic in the learning scheme.

With the active support of thousands of citizens, public broadcasting provides education, information, intelligent, thoughtful programming via television and radio. I am extremely proud that the United States government, in other the words, we the people support these services. Whether or not an Austin, Texas, family can afford cable or satellite or internet, they can enjoy classical music from KMFA, a wide range of television programs from KLRU and, of course, news, live music, information and more from KUT.

Public broadcasting is one of the more effective, efficient services provided by the government in partnership with local communities. We must keep funding for these extraordinary experiences. Have you called your Senators and Representative to express your support for public broadcasting? Call today. Ask your elected leaders to keep funding for public broadcasting. America must affirm learning for everyone and these media outlets do just that: