Employment Mismatch Begins Before College

Does the mismatch between employer needs and college graduate skills begin in university or before?  In a recent Chronicle of Higher Education and APM Marketplace study, The Employment Mismatch,   employers reported a lack of applicants who could solve complex problems, communicate effectively, and analyze data, in general, individuals who could think.

Even with . . . Read More: Employment Mismatch Begins Before College

Education on Demand (EOD) Optimizes Learning and Teaching

Education on Demand (EOD) offers both student and educator multiple options to optimize learning and teaching.  EOD, in its truest form, is a panoply of content, processes or experiences, and products.  This panoply plays out across f2f and digital platforms.  It is the variety of options tethered to a defined curriculum that launches a . . . Read More: Education on Demand (EOD) Optimizes Learning and Teaching

Avoid the Education Program Cliff

For success in EOD:  Education on Demand, which is an interactive blend of f2f and digital options, education blueprints are required.  The use of the term “blueprint” is deliberate.  Blueprints provide the overall and specific details of complex construction.  Building aligned education experiences where both f2f and online complement each other is complex construction . . . Read More: Avoid the Education Program Cliff

Instructor as Content Curator

EOD:  Education on Demand™, when implemented appropriately, can expand and update training curriculum.  Since EOD is driven by learner goals and needs, the content must be continually reviewed and refreshed.   Learner demands will prompt specific content queries and, thus, responses.

Bob Mosher, in his thoughtful post, “The Diminishing Shelf Life of Learning, “ observed . . . Read More: Instructor as Content Curator